
We’re proud of our Champions. We strive to help cultivate the caliber of racer that meets and exceeds their goals. From local events through world titles, our record is strong. It’s our pleasure to introduce you to our state, national, and world Champions here.

Brian Rogers

Brian is our resident goat on a climb, works hard when out front pulling the group, and actively serves the team’s board.

Britta Siegel

Britta brings an incredibly competitive yet friendly spirit to our roster, competing across an array of disciplines.

Dana Braet

Dana keeps a super busy work life balance, never missing a chance to belt out some miles and is a regular fixture at today’s cyclocross events.

Kevin Anderson

While not helping out on Velo Force’s Board of Directors, Kevin is training weekly with the team and prepping for our local TT events.

Liz Heller

Coming Soon

Louis Stiffelman

Coming Soon

Lynne Anderson

World Champion. National Champion. State Champion. Lynne has dominated at every level.